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Wednesday 6 November 2013


You know that a close bond with your child is necessary for him to feel cared for, but it's equally as important for him to believe the relationship between his parents is solid and strong.but when parents fight in front of their kid it has bad impact on them in varoius ways.when you ask to your,s childern to set their cupboard may be they are not listening to you with their interst.while  when their is a loud conversation with bad mood between parents the childers are obviously heard that.


When children observe their parents fighting and out of control, they feel about their parents taht they are unable to take care of them. As a result, the world appears threatening and less safe to your child.He might become anxious, depression, develop low self-esteem or grow into a fearful adult.While fighting, you shift your attention away from your child, which could deprive him of much needed parenting during crucial times.


they feelguilt.Many children don't understand the reasons behind their parents' they think they are reason.they also suffer with emotional problems.Children model their behavior by observing their parents, including how they deal with and ultimately resolve conflicts. Your child may have learned to handle conflict by throwing tantrums, fighting, hitting and arguing, because that's how Mommy and Daddy act when they disagree.Or, he might become so distressed by witnessing the fighting, he concludes that emotions are dangerous, leading to explosive situations and being hurt by loved effects their social life also they starts to hide things with their parenst also.

they suffer with trust issue. Although they also see their parents being loving with each other, their explosive fights often leaves them upset, with Mommy in tears. As a result, your child might develop trust issues and avoid developing intimate relationships to protect himself from being hurt.


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