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Wednesday 6 November 2013

Our pakistani hero


As i think every person whose life means to live for others to serve humanity with out any reason to get something in returns whose life aim is just to make the life of people happy whose hands are to wipe the tears  of others and specially when there is no blood relation but just a respectable relation of humanity with out any differences of colour language cast or religion belives on simple living and simplicity.those people are heros.with very honour and proud i wanted to introduced our pakistani heros to the world.a positive side of our.



Abdul sattar edhi

Edhi Foundation is the largest and most organized social welfare system in Pakistan. Foundation works round the clock, without any discrimination on the basis of color, race, language, religion or polictics. The Foundation modifies the phrase "Live and let live" to "Live and help live".

Maulana Edhi, as he is often referred to, belongs to the Memon community.However, he always says that HUMANITY is my Religion.A name signifying trust, love, selflessness and sacrifice; EDHI has gone a long way,for sure. Begum Bilquis Edhi,, who heads the ‘Bilquis Edhi Foundation’
Edhi and his wife Bilquis have spent a lifetime working for people and their welfare work to date remains unparalleled in Pakistan. They are both very private people who shun publicity. They have had little formal education, and are totally committed to the cause of helping the poor and needy.
He is also the recipient of the ‘Lenin Peace Prize’ along with other numerous awards: both national and international. He also personally holds the world record for having gone the longest time working without having taken a holiday. As of when the record was set, he has still not taken a single day off work.


Honors received                                                   

International awards:
•    1986 Ramon Magsaysay Award for Public Service
•    1988 Lenin Peace Prize
•    1992 Paul Harris Fellow Rotary International Foundation
•    In 2000, Edhi was awarded the International Balzan Prize for Humanity, Peace and Brotherhood.
•    On 26 March 2005, Edhi was presented with the Life Time Achievement Award by the World Memon Organisation (WMO).
•    On 11 November 2006, Edhi was presented with an Honorary Doctorate Degree by the Institute of Business Administration Karachi (IBA).

they have totally simple life style.


they are serving now that time  every age group or people belongs to any religion.they take care of  new born those childers who are not accepted by their parents unfortunately so they gives them to the able couple and safe hands to protect them whole life of them.


they also provide food to many of those people who has no way of earning or low rate of earning.thaey has old age people homes..home for the medical treatment of mental disoderd people.
they have wide services of ambulances in whole country.they have blood donating service for thaey needy.they spend their most of time with childerns.


they gives the education and skills to the people living in edhi homes.marriges of poor girls and boys are also done by them.


they help across the world and in country in situation of natural disaster like earth quake.river flood e.t.c.its not just enough to say about it or think..its a great achivement of them to serve the humanity.i hats off to our pakistani hero Abdul Sattar Edhi and his wife Begum Bilquis Edhi to be a big example and meaning of being human about humainty.people like u make proud and respectable our beloved country pakistan.


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