Nawaz-Obama Meet Today: Drone Strikes Top Agenda

No chance of peace TTP leader talks with government 14:44pm PST***** No load shedding for residential consumers: NTDC spokesman 15:44 PST***** Attacks on Imam bargahs in Gujranwala spark protests 11:00 am PST*****

Friday 8 November 2013


we have celebrated the 66th birthday of our country pakistan.its just not a pice of land its a result of sacrify of many muslims.its a dream of a poet.its a achivemnet of a  brave leader with the lots of hope for the bright future of muslims.he wanted to see it on the peek of success in world as i know from my childhood.many of the people to comes here but to just govern.a thought comes in my mind that after 66 years that dream of poet that wish of a leader is no where in present pakistan.every governoment plays a strong role for the nation and adays our country is facing such a worst situation.basic things that helps to make a country powerful and nation to lives happy with all their basic rights.but now its going hard to live alive in country with many aspects.its a alarming situation for the governoment and people related to it.our people are facing many problems including basic need tahts a duety of governoment to provide them.their are medical facilties problems treatments are the out of range of a low earner people.many of people unable to afford.

they are suffering from infilation in rates of food items.a person how earn low can not provide food to their faimy.many of them facing shelter problems.

childerns of a country are consider very important for the comming success of country future.many of others countries gives theri best to their childrens.but here many of childerns are unable to get education.they are working child for their family and home as earner.governoment education plans are also not as much wel planned.

after childrens the youngestr are suffering with job issues.after getting studies they are job less.they are preffering to go abroad for the jobs and to make their life successful in that case its a damage of our country that our talent is not going to utilized for the bright future of our country.


the last basic right of people of a nation is a security of them.unfortaunately the governoment is failed to provide security to people.they are suffering form blasts,target killing and un wanted texes.remeber this can also be cause of social crime when people try to fight for life.

they are facing the electric power load shading hours n hourns,domestic gas loadshading,cng strikes,also paying heavy bills,the transport tickets are un acess to reach,many of people use the railway for travel in country railway transport is also near to finished.that all creat mental stress in people.

but despite it all we love our country and want to see it delight.thats all the alarming situation for every person how loves the pakistan and who govern it.


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