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Thursday 7 November 2013

How Does Technology Affect Teens?

Almost all teens use technology everyday. That raises the question “Is the use of technology affecting teens in a positive way or a negative way? I feel teens rely on today’s technology to heavily that it may be having harmful affects on teens.


In this so called ‘technology era” no matter if you don’t realize it or not there is a monster that will never be destroyed. That monster is technology. Teens these days are being suffocated by the internet, cell phones, and texting. feel that teen with their abbreviation while chatting on the internet or texting on their cell phones it may affect their spelling. This causes teens to make careless mistakes on their class work and makes them look less intelligent.


Some teens might agree with me that technology takes to much time too waste our lives on. Were still kids. Shouldn’t we be going outside, getting fresh air, and actually seeing our friends face to face.Technology is sometimes even your best friend. It can help you solve your problems or generate more. Teens are relying on the internet to answer their questions to help them with their schoolwork.

I’m not saying I’m against the benefits of technology but it has both sides good and bad.and it is imporatnt to make it very advantageous to use it in useful way.Technology will always be in our lives.This means being able to communicate with our friends and family is important to teens. It’s not just important to teens its basically used by everyone.


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