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Tuesday 12 November 2013

Western influence in our fashion industry

Western influence in our fashion industry

Pakistan is a third world country economically it’s not that much established that we can afford fashion as our daily life. But I must say that No department of life as be it economic, cultural, religious or recreational has been free from the effect of this great transformation in progress. Everybody wants to follow the latest trends of the new era.

It’s in human nature that he always wants change in life, like in basic change in our clothing’s. We may do whatever makes us happy. even if we talk about Pakistan, we come to know that Pakistan has been change a lot, From the independence day of August 14, 1947 up to date, Pakistan’s has been a society in transition.

So if want to move with today’s world we have to follow the fashion because its today’s need if we don’t follow that people think we r dumb we know nothing about fashion and we can’t move in society.

 When we look around us, find fashion everywhere, girls or boys wearing fashionable clothes, sitting together, fully makeup, stylish haircuts etc.

Beside the positive aspects, there are also negative effects.

 In Pakistan there is three types of people

 Who follow fashion trends blindly
 Who follow fashion with their need
 Who don’t follow any trend at all...?

Western influence can be seen all around, but most particularly it can be seen in the way of Pakistanis have started dressing up. Whatever fashion becomes popular abroad, it is being adopted by people here, without thinking that it is not meant for their body type or cultural values. Also the Pakistani fashion industry is so enthused by the foreign styles that they don’t even hesitate before introducing revealing clothes in their collection.

We have forgotten our own values and beliefs and as a result we are getting entrapped deeper into the mesh of westernization.

But at the end I want you to decide that what is good and what is bad for us?? 

Now we should be care about the norms and values of the society and we should work together for the sake of these....
Let me just tell you about phobias. People have phobias just like they have cold and flu. There is A to Z type of phobias present in the people of this world. But let me first tell you what phobias exactly are?
Phobia:” it is an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to a specific thing or situation”. In most cases, the phobia involves a sense of endangerment or a fear of harm. 

Phobias are hundreds in number in the world but on the contrary it is treatable through some type of treatments. One type of treatment is flooding, in which the patient is confronted by the fear object for an extended length of time without the opportunity to escape. Another method often used in phobia treatment is counter-conditioning. In this method, the patient is taught a new response to the fear object. Rather that panic in the face of the feared object or situation, the client learns relaxation techniques to replace anxiety and fear now I am going to discuss most common phobias found in people from all around the world.

1. Germaphobia

People who have this phobia always believe that they are contaminated with germs, thus, you will always see them heading to the washroom to clean themselves up. Maybe they saw the movie Boy in the Plastic Bubble when they were kids. They will have constant panic attacks, shortness of breath, dizziness, sweating, trembling, chest pain, increased heart rate and nausea.

2. Acrophobia
Have you ever experienced fear crossing a tall, narrow bridge? Do you avoid even seemingly harmless entertainment park rides, like Ferris wheels? Do you dread looking down from a tall building or ledge, especially if there were little protection? Then, you may have acrophobia, or the fear of heights. Those who suffer from acrophobia may have anxiety attacks when placed on or exposed to heights. The situation must be relieved immediately; otherwise, the person will start to feel restless and may even become panicky.

3. Ophidiophobia

The fear of snakes may vary, with the most extreme not even capable of looking at

Picture of that slithering animal. If you have this kind of fear of snakes than you surely have Ophidiophobia. It also depends on how one perceives the images, sounds and movements that are connected with snakes. People may have emotional anxiety, panic attacks, loss of control, and even suffer from fainting.


4. Arachnophobia

If you suddenly jump at the sight or even just the possible presence of spiders, than you surely have this phobia. It is most common in women more than men .people suffering may also be prone to crying and screaming when they see spiders or even just a spider web. For them, every room probably has spiders.


5. Trypanophobia

 it is the extreme fear of medical procedures involving injections or hypodermic needles. This phobia also includes fear of sharply pointed objects.You panic at the thought of being injected, and your heartbeat starts going up and you tremble uncontrollably.


6. Social Phobias

We all know someone who prefers to stay alone or in the company of only a few old and trusted friends. They do not participate in parties and other social gatherings. They may also dislike meeting anybody new. Talking in public in front of a room full of people is definitely out of the equation. They are painfully shy in front of other people, the presence of big crowds or strangers can send their heartbeat sprinting, if you are one of them too than you are surely having social phobia.


7. Astraphobia

It is an abnormal fear of thunder and lightning, it is a unique phobia that both humans and animals can develop. It gets worse if they are alone because they will look for ways to get additional cover. People suffering from this phobia may feel nauseous, and they have a constant need to use the restroom.


These are not the end of phobias but these are some commonly found in people around us. Phobia is not an illness; even it’ll not need any medication. It is just a state of mind which an individual make their self. It is just fear which an individual can overcome very easily with just little treatments, mind control and will power. In many cases, people are able to recognize that their fear is irrational and therefore take steps to overcome their phobia.


Which phobia do you have?...


Will you try to overcome now?



Monday 11 November 2013

Image of Pakistan regarding news channels

News channels in any country have a significant role to play in the country’s success. Either it could help the country achieve its objectives by highlighting the problems of its citizens or it could spoil everything by diverting the attention of people from important issues towards insignificant issues.

With every passing day, a new news channel comes in the scene with no interest in the betterment of the country. They are just running a business and their aim is to maximize profits. They only show news or write news which would sell and would allow them to earn huge profits.
However, with the 24 hours live coverage provided of what is happening in the country, the image of Pakistan has seriously deteriorated. What all of these news channels would be showing is just the political and economic crunch the country is going through, coverage of a recent suicide blast, increase in crime rate etc.

Now with this type of image of Pakistan projected to the rest of the world, who wants to be associated with “this” country, where there is nothing else going on apart from terrorist activities…
In my opinion a large section of the Pakistani media does not serve the interest of the people, in fact some of it is positively anti-people. It often divides the people. The people, who watch these channels in foreign countries, are for sure constrained to think that Pakistan is full of ill-cultured, fraudulent and dishonest people who always involve in crimes etc. 
The media has totally ignored the important role it should play in this transition period we are passing through. However, I am not saying that there are no good journalists at all in the media. There are many excellent journalists too who work for the country, but they are always under multiple threats.

Another issue with the news channels is that all of them are in a hurry to break the news before their competitors. The channel that breaks the news first would then repeatedly go over the fact that it has the privilege to bring this news to its viewers before any other channel did so.

Now you can easily imagine how it feels, when you hear news of a bomb blast that took hundreds of lives, and then the host claiming their channel to be the first to break this news. Also, the urgency to reach the audience sometimes also results in erroneous reporting.

In my point of view media should work to educate the people, to help the people and to liberate the people and to empower the people. There are times when they should put their personal interests at the back of their mind and show things that could be beneficial for the country and its people and please stop this race of breaking first news just be original.
The freedom available to them should be utilized in the best possible manner. Instead of showing depressing news and pointing the fallacies of the government they should try to develop a reasonably correct, positive and healthy approach among the masses regarding what is going on around them. Doing so would help not only to build a better image of Pakistan in eyes of the rest of the world but would also help the country to reach the peaks of development, success and prosperity…