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Sunday 13 October 2013

An Idle Mind Is the Devil's Workshop

Our brain is idle when we do not have anything to think about. And this can lead to dangerous consequences. When you do not think for yourself, you allow others to influence you. Other thoughts occupy your mind and any evil element can easily exploit you for its own purpose.
The devil need not be the devil about whom we have been reading and no body has seen. Any evil deed may be regarded devils and the workshop where it forgets this is the mind of a person who refuses to think for himself. That is exactly the reason why much we need to focus on education.So that we will be able to decide that what is right and what is wrong for us.What is need to do and what is need not to do.
Why all this has come in my mind because few days ago I was watching a morning show when the host started taking live calls, a regular caller came as a first one so the host asked jokingly to that caller" Don't you have any other thing to do?" and I was amazed what the caller replied she said,"I recently got married into a well-off family.We have lots of domestic help around the house.So i don't have anything to do.Therefore i keep watching TV and calling in different programmes. While talking she also told that she has done MSC and she use to be a excellent student, always got good grades throughout her student life but since she got married has nothing constructive to do.

I am just thinking that having got higher education why she doesn't have anything to do.Anything which can give her some knowledge and inner satisfaction.
Like her, people are everywhere around us and i think they should be directed towards some productive work which they can do to utilize their free time.

Because the time they have got right now will never come back so there are many things a person can do this in this regard.For instance,you can join an Islamic course because as a Muslim there are many thing regarding our religion we need to know like ,we recite Quran but unable to understand its we could be able to understand by a "Tafseer course".In addition,you could also pursue a hobby and take it up in a more serious manner.

For instance if you enjoy drawing,painting or crafts,you could take an art class.If you enjoy stitching or knitting,you could take proper sewing classes.If you are a reader,join a book club or a library.
Reading good books is always a constructive activity.If you wish to groom your personality more,take up certain topics and study it,read and reread any relevant books and use the online resources for it.Make notes and consider it as self -education.

You could also take something like the history of Pakistan and read up on it.Unlike school days,it would not be boring and you actually enjoy it.

Writing is another productive activity,you can share your thoughts on life,sporting,social issues,historical events,politics,showbiz and it could be any topic what you wanna write on.

If you don't wanna do any job by going away from home in the offices for long periods, think about a part time job according to your degree.You could volunteer yourself for social work and for any NGO which is doing good deeds in our society.The reward and the satisfaction you will get from social work is superb.

All you need to know is what would be the most suitable activity for you and then go after it.Lastly i would like to say it again that try to keep yourself busy with the things your own to do.Don't let your brain empty to be opened the devil's workshop in it.The time you are right now will never come back.Later on you will think and regret on the past time that why you didn't do such and such things.

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